When my client at Chapman University first contacted me she related that previous attempts to video her tap dance performances were unsuccessful because the tap sounds were muddled. No one would purchase copies of the performance once they heard what their tap sounded like.
We discussed the audio acquisition in detail and I suggested that the sound engineer at the university place mics on stage dedicated to acquiring the tapping. Fortunately, Craig stepped up and put 5 PZM mics on stage and sent that mix to my camera. The music tracks were sent on a second audio feed. I had also set up a 2nd camera at the front corner of the stage with a shotgun mic attached to it for a 2nd angle and some ambient sound for the audio mix. In post, I filtered out the bass in the tap tracks, boosted the tap sounds relative to the music and got the results in the demo below. I anxiously awaited my client’s comments after sending her the edited video. Here’s her reaction:
Dante (Dante Lara Guest Artist song: Soul Mankoussa) would like to know if there’s a way to get some of the shots from the other camera, and also if there’s a way to make it downloadable so he can put on his website and professional reel.
Thank you so much!”
So happy to hear that! Now, here’s a little highlight of Dante’s performance: