Wanna see who attended the Torrance Marriott Open House?

I’ve been a South Bay Videographer for three decades now, and still enjoy helping out my friends and fellow business people whenever I can. It’s not uncommon for me to help out a fellow vendor with whom I find myself working side by side at an event by recording a bit of their work while I’m there. Producing a little video demo for them is no trouble at all. If it creates some good will between us and brings us together again in the future, it’s time well spent.
The Torrance Marriott open house in September was a great chance to record and highlight not only the Marriott, our gracious host for this event, but the other vendors like myself who came to display their products and services. It was a great opportunity to do some one-on-one networking and create some good will among the local people I frequently find myself working with at weddings and other special events. Carla and Jennifer who manage events at the hotel, made the rounds helping everyone feel at home, myself included, and so I created this two minute video highlight for them and the other vendors in attendance to refer to and use as they might wish to help them with their own respective businesses. Enjoy the video!
Contact me directly if I can help you with anything related to videography for your event or business: 310 547-4702, or marc@24ktsound.com
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