Website video can build trust:
You never know what kind of history your website visitors may bring with them based on past on-line experiences. They may be very trusting, or very skeptical. You can, however, anticipate that you’ll need to quickly establish that your website represents a real business with a human being behind it who’s going to provide outstanding service, and because you can’t actually be there in person to do that, the content you put on your site has to do it for you, and therein lies the challenge. Do it right and your website content will build that trust, do it wrong and you’ll drive visitors off in frustration to one of your competitors just a mouse-click away. Because you’re not there in person to look people in the eye, shake their hand, counter objections, educate and close the sale, you need to do the next best thing. That’s where a website video can be your greatest asset. Video comes as close as you can get to a face-to-face conversation without your actually being there, and can be as effective as speaking directly to a customer in your place of business. Here’s why:
Conversation is much more than words:
During face-to-face conversation we all make subconscious judgements about what we see and hear by continuously evaluating the tone of voice, eye contact, posture, facial expressions, and hand and arm movements of the person speaking. These signals help us sort out what’s believable and whether or not what we’re hearing is trustworthy. Unfortunately, the text on your website doesn’t contain these crucial signals. Website video, on the other hand, does. Your video is the face and voice of your business representing you 24/7 by demonstrating, educating, motivating and building credibility. Credibility leads to trust. People respond positively to websites they trust.
Having to dig for information:
Assuming that no one ever intentionally chooses the most difficult, time-consuming way to do anything when there’s an easier way in plain sight, your website should make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for, and it’s clearly easier to sit back and absorb content by watching a short video than by reading through paragraphs of text. Research indicates that only 2 out of 10 people will read to completion what you write anyway, (8 out of 10 will watch a video to completion) and if your written content antagonizes people sufficiently, they’ll simply leave your site. You have about 7-10 seconds to capture attention and engage your visitor, and a much better chance of doing so with an entertaining, informational 30 second video.
The signs of success:
Ideally, your website content should lead visitors to visualize themselves using and benefiting from your product or service and wind up saying to themselves, “That’s the answer I’ve been looking for. I think I’ll contact them.”
After all, we’re living in a video generation where video-enabled mobile devices abound. Video has risen to the number one way of giving and receiving information and the social networks exist that make it easy to share that information. Your future customers are growing up using video to entertain themselves, but more importantly to communicate, to learn, to share, and to purchase. Learn to speak their language on your website and reap the rewards.
Love to help you create a video for your own website. Contact me at 310 547-4702 or by email
Commercial video production services for business, websites and social media since 1979 serving Los Angeles, Orange County and the greater southern California area.
Kick back and enjoy this fast paced demo reel with scenes from the many videos I’ve produced, corporate and special event. Enjoy!